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Zoom Paint the Parks

December 10, 2020 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Come explore your creative side! Our instructor will guide you step by step through the night’s painting.

We are trying something new! Join us from your home for a fun evening of creativity. Grab your favorite drink, a snack, some supplies, and perhaps a family member or two! See below for information. To participate:

1.Register by CLICKING HERE

2. Before class, download the Zoom app.
3. Check your email about an hour before class to get the Zoom link and class info to sign into the class online.
Class participants will be encouraged to be creative and make the painting your own. This is a free event. You will need to have painting supplies at home. Below we have provided a supply list and some links with where to order supplies online. You can also find all supplies at Walmart. If you already have painting supplies at home, but do not have the exact same type or colors of paint or supplies, no worries! We can improvise!
Supply List:
Acrylic paint: In class we tend to use affordable, craft level, fluid acrylic paint. Walmart brand is Apple Barrel. Michaels is Craft Smart. Online dickblick.com has many options and we have included a link to a few choices. If you prefer to use heavier bodied acrylic paint or another brand that is fine. You can pick colors you prefer, the goal is to have fun and make these paintings your own.





size 20 (or 1″) flat wash – https://www.dickblick.com/items/05856-1001/
size 2 round for details – https://www.dickblick.com/items/05857-1002/
size 8 round – https://www.dickblick.com/items/05857-1008/

You may want to buy a set of brushes if you think you will paint more. Here is one for round brushes – https://www.dickblick.com/items/05857-0059

Look also for sets with brushes that are close to the three listed. This economy pack seems to have some that would work. https://www.walmart.com/ip/50-17Pcs-Professional-Paint-Brushes-Nylon-Hair-Brushes-for-Acrylic-Oil-Watercolor-Painting-Nail-Art-Artist-Painting-Kits/531083160

Canvas: 16×20 cotton primed and stretched OR a wooden sign from Michaels or Hobby Lobby

Michaels – (note a 5 pack is available if you think you will paint more) https://www.michaels.com/artists-loft-necessities-canvas-value-pack-16inx20in/10204595.html?cm_mmc=PLASearch-_-google-_-MICH_Shopping_US_N_Art+Supplies_N_Smart_N_N-_-&Kenshoo_ida=&kpid=go_cmp-9972406790_adg-106296476328_ad-433378147599_pla-301938984621_dev-c_ext-_prd-10204595&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7evvlsSk6QIVA__jBx1ZuQi-EAQYAiABEgIldfD_BwE

Additional supplies needed:

water container – cup, jar, mug, etc

paper towels

easel (optional)

paint shirt or apron

Palette –. In class we prefer to use Styrofoam egg cartons or reusable plastic ice cube trays. You can use paper plates.


December 10, 2020
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Event Categories:
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Virtual – Zoom

